Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Front Cover Inspiration Continued

Here is some front covers that I have looked at to gain inspiration for my own front cover for Drifter Magazine. 

This is one front cover that I quite like; it is simple and still quite inspiring with the black and grey with a focus on tone. I think this is a really nice front cover but I don't think the lack of colour would be quite suitable for my style/ target audience. However, the minimalist styling will be inspirational to my design. Mine will also need to have more cover lines.

I really like that this cover is a minimalist one. I love that the cover tells the reader what that issues main focus is on. (Star Trek) I do appreciate however that you have to be aware of that story to understand the reference. It also, as a subscriber copy, contains no information on the content, this means that there would be another newsstand copy containing more information, as the one above would. The simplicity of the three colours (blue, white and black) are also a focusing touch. 

Similarly this minimal is preferable but not as capable in the selling department other more informative covers that could be found on the newsstands. The lack of information is good for aesthetics but not for advertisement of content. 

This cover is also very minimalist, and unlike the others contains a small amount of information; a technique that could be utilised on my own cover. This cover works as the image relates the content of the magazine and the small cover-line indicates further content. I could use this method. 

This magazines common element for its covers is a really nice idea that I could explore with my own twist. I really like the minimalist look of these covers and I like that they contain as little information as possible while still providing enough information to entice the reader. 

I really like this magazine cover because even though there it is a little busier than the previous covers I think that this may be a little more of a reasonable idea on the content coverage I would be providing, or could provide. I feel also that despite it being a little busier it is still a clean look with the white and orange being the main colours. I want to stick to this 'clean-cut' look. With my front cover, I feel that I could still provide this amount of information and have a smaller image, (see Front Cover Image Splatter post) allowing for a little more breathing space. 

This was the first image I saw that made me want to have a minimalist magazine cover and though it is a book and not a magazine it made me want to explore the possibility of the idea. 

I really want to use a similar technique to grab my readers' attention as most of the travel magazines utilise large landscape images that make the reader want to be wherever the magazine is advertising. I want to try a different approach and I feel a minimalist take would suit the younger target audience that may be attracted to the different design elements. 

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